Thursday, November 20, 2008

I got a new plant!

This one is special because it's staying with me at work, attempting to bring a breath of life into the windowless box that is my office. We also have an orchid that we have managed to not kill, although its sibling died tragically, and the survivor has yet to bloom again. In happier news, the Christmas cacti are beginning to bloom and a couple of plants got re-planted yesterday. Yay! And yeah, other than my hours at work getting cut, these are some of the more fascinating things going on in my life right now. Well, unless you count Chicago... and the mad rush to get presents made and cards figured out. This year's design is particularly challenging. Not sure what exactly I was thinking, but if I pull it off they're going to be fab! Katie suggested I emboss part of the image, but that would add, like, money and more time to the process, neither of which I currently possess! So, anyone else get a new houseplant lately? (Shout out to my girl, Mandy, for that idea we talked about and I'm attempting.)

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Bored, bored, bored, bored, bored. I am bored. Work has slowed waaaaaaay down, a sure sign that I need to find a second position, so there isn't all that much for me to do. And I'm feeling antsy and bored anyway, so this is not a good combination. In weatherly news, it is drizzling and foggy.... which would be fabulous, except I'm not at home sitting on my couch wrapped up in a comforter with tea and a novel with music playing in the background. I don't even have windows in my office. So I'm watching Brotherhood 2.0 videos and blogging, with some paperwork thrown in here and there to spice things up. But I'm still bored.

What do you guys do when you get bored at work?

Wednesday, November 05, 2008


I can't recommend the rest of the strips, but this one is great for the knitters in my audience! Particularly the knitters who also like physics. It's like scarves meet particle physics. And it looks like we haven't been sucked into a black hole yet, either! Also, I think some applause for Mandy is appropriate, as she has decided to attempt the NaBloPoMo 08. I will be looking forward to seeing where her novel takes her!

PS Except, it's not a novel. She's blogging every day for 30 days. And I'm a noodle brain.