Tuesday, March 22, 2005

It's a miracle!!!!

AHHHHHH HA HA HA HA!!!! I got straight A's!!!! *giggles madly and dances in the chair* I didn't even get any minuses this time!!!! I'm sorry for gloating, but I really was very concerned, especially after the paper incident.

Brianna, Katie, Melodie and I just went to a wonderful little tea room here in Dallas and had a great time. They had very good scones and lots of clotted cream. *sighs* Tea, scones, and delightful company; what more could a girl ask for on a cold, rainy day? Not to rub it in *evil laughter* but we also have ice cream, hot cross buns, and more scones!! Onward Scrabble games, books, movies, and prolonged cackling!!

You know, I think I'm done for today, unless I feel like typing more later, and then I won't be done now. We'll see how it goes...


Bryan said...

I however, got the shaft. One A, three B+'s. BEEEEEEE pluses!!!

I will be bitter now. Thank you. Congrats Mindy, you deserve it girl.

Anonymous said...

*yawns and stretches, hitting neighbor's bedroom wall in process. oops!*
I think, actually, that I need to go make scones. Perhaps the third time will actually work. And I shall be thinking of sitting around the tea room in Dallas as I gobble them down. Alas that I have no clotted cream. Such a fun adventure....
The more I think about your straight A's, the more impressed I am. I can't decide which is more impressive, the actual grades, or the celabratory dance which followed! Congratulations!!!!