Monday, January 15, 2007


It has been so stinking cold here that I have brought my tender, green jasmine plant indoors. So far the greenery has not succumbed to winter's biting chill, but I ain't taking no chances with this little cold snap. Brianna, Ellie and I went walking in Lithia Park on Saturday, thinking a little exercise might warm us up. And I'm sure it would have, too, if we had been wearing snow pants and ski parkas. We wound up with numb thighs instead. We did get to go and have tea and scones afterward, which made up for everything.

Speaking of, Ellie (Joel's little sister, for those of you who don't know the family) spent Friday night and Saturday with us. I had gone through Moo's somewhat questionable movie collection and pulled out some of the good stuff (Ice Age, The Incredibles, Howl's Moving Castle) for us to watch, but as soon as she walked in, Ellie saw the extended Fellowship of the Ring and away we went. I had forgotten how much I totally love those movies!!! I don't know what it is, but they remind me of better things and hope for the future rather than staring into tomorrow like the barrel of a gun. Does anyone else feel like that? Like every day is a step in a minefield? I don't know, maybe it's just that I used to cling to the hope that the good really would win in this world, but every time I happen to see the news or read a newspaper (which, I admit, I avoid as much as possible) I feel helpless. Anyway, whatever the reason, we wound up watching Two Towers the next day and we're planning on Return of the King as soon as we all can get together again!

Okay, I have to get some of this off my chest, but I don't want to burden you all, so: Qué está pensando mi ex-novio?!? O es que no está pensando, está usando solamente sus sentidos y sentimientos? Me dijo que no iba a andar con otra mujer para un tiempo extendido y aquí anda, pensando en, claro, una rubia alta y activa. Le di mi corazón y entiendo que no fue su intención de romperlo, pero después de romperlo, él no tiene los guts para llamarme y decir que, sí, ya es terminado y tiene interés en otra lado. Wow, my Spanish is getting appallingly bad. Anyway, that's not even all I want to say, but I don't want to bore you and Moo is watching Batman Begins, so have a good night, everyone!!


Anonymous said...

My spanish is worse, but "no tiene los guts"?! It's not nice to make me laugh like that in the computer lab...

Bryan said...

Less of a minefield and more if a pasture full of cowpies.

Brinicio said...

I may have you translate that for me...although I can infer quite a bit.

Mandy Sue said...

yikes Mindy. I'm not super great with my spanish anymore...but I was able to get the main jist of that....