Sunday, January 28, 2007

Our next stage of grief...

2/25: Yeah, meant to get this changed sooner. Hopefully the wrong people didn't already read it! Anyway, to summarize, this post used to be angry. It's not anymore. I saved the original to Brinicio's computer though. *laughs* We've decided I need to start posting funny things again. Maybe I'll go read a gardening catalogue...


Anonymous said...

Even heroines have their moments...
Don't you suppose that Jane was seriously ticked and Mr. Rochester, just a little? Maybe?

Pheather said...

I love ya darlin' and wish I could do more than offer words of encouragement. I often disallow myself to be agry or upset at the things that bother me in the name of trying to be brave, and since I am working on that in myself, I am going to be in your corner (yes this is a really long sentance that could be broken up, but I feel like being grammatically incorrect). You deserve to feel the way you feel, and you deserve to be able to say it. Take good care of yourself, and email me if you need more support than online.

Anonymous said...

Here is my two cents worth. I know I have been saying this for years and it is probably starting to sound like a broken record but here goes nothing......Mindy, you are an AMAZING and BEAUTIFUL woman and deserve someone who will try their hardest to lasso a star or two for you. If Joel didn't or can't see that it really is a horrible loss for him. You will find someone who will pray every night thanking God that you were placed in their life. I truly believe that. If you ever need to vent or just need a friendly shoulder you know where to find me.


Stacy said...

All I can say is...

We love you Mindy!