Friday, March 30, 2007

Drama, drama, drama

Hey, Fish, I've interviewed two of your ex-co-workers in the last two weeks! One of them was named Katheryn and was the center director.... and I'm afraid I've forgotten the other lady's name. Katheryn says hello. As for me moving to Portland.... well.... we'll have to see what happens, but as you know, it's not in my immediate plans. Even for you, my handsome, dashing, and debonair dear friend!! All those people!!! Ack! Oh, and please accept my public apology for not calling you back when you were in town. My only feeble excuse is that I had houseguests and forgot until Sunday night. Forgive me?

Moo has given me a slight reprieve ("They said it wouldn't be for a while..." Can I get a date, please??) and our household is still intact. Well, Moo is in Visalia (oh yeah, the PIQ actually isn't in PA, but I trust my brother to remember what good friends they used to be) and we have the addition of Chels (Nan's sister) and we had Melodie all week and are about to get Jake and Laura for a night.... but otherwise the household is the same as always!! We now have three, no, four, houseplants. I bought a lovely outside salad mix, but apparently someone else thinks it's tasty, too, and tossed a few leaves around on the patio. Mum says it's probably cats. I say Matt needed a midnight snack.

Lest we think that my life has calmed down since the last major incident, I bring you news of yet another potential change. I may be looking for a new job soon. I have come to the realization that I am not particularly brilliant at my job, and while in other positions this may not be a huge problem, in this one, I can do great things like lose accounts. Now, what this means is, I feel horrifically guilty about the fact that I'm not producing the results that my company needs, and I'm sure my company isn't too thrilled about it either. I also really dislike the fact that I don't feel competent at what I'm doing. It's not like I can study more and get better at this... well, in a way, I guess I can, but I can't change the essential fact that I don't have the drive they really need. I also don't feel like taking on the weight of the responsibilities I would have come the summer. Like being on call 24/6. I would also like to be able to plan things like vacations during the summer; even taking a half-day isn't really feasible in the position I'm currently in. Does this mean I'm lazy? It does, doesn't it...... great, now I'm going to go feel bad about myself... at least until Jake and Laura call and I go get pizza for dinner. So, yeah, I realize this is rambling and incoherent, but ARGH!!! I don't want this to turn into another whinefest and woe is I! Me. I never did figure out which was right. Anyway, I will cease and desist before this becomes even more ridiculous. Good night all, and may you all have a glorious weekend!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

1- You own Eats, Shoots and Leaves. I can't remember the correct form either. Please share your findings.
2- Moo doesn't eat veggies. Let alone at midnight.
3- Oh, honestly. *rolls eyes* You Are Not Lazy!!