Monday, March 19, 2007

As the world turns....

Ahhhh, the many changes of life. The weather here has been just great, with days of warm sunshine punctuated with gloriously glowering rain. Brinicio and I went to the Grange Co-op and bought some plants; she bought chives, cilantro and mint, and I got a salad mix and some pansies. My boss went and bought a hothouse last week, so I'm thinking I might go get me some of them there seeds and sneak some starts of something in.... not that I really have anywhere to plant them. I have to admit that I'm planning my future house-that-I-own and mostly the trees and plants around it. There's a book called Tasha Tudor's Garden that absolutely captivates me specifically because of the gardens that surround the house.

So, the first line of my post refers to the fact that my brother, dear sweet Moo, has been promoted to manager-in-training with Winco! Kudos to Moo!! Unfortunately, this means that my darling co-lease-signing brother is moving to Portland about five months before our leases actually run out. I think he gets to call our landlord on this one. I have no idea who on earth we're going to get to move in with us, but I know we're going to have to find someone fairly soon!! This does, however, leave the master bedroom open. *strokes chin hairs*

It also refers to the fact that we've hired a new recruiting manager at my office. He's 24, tall, blond, and a salesman. "Whoo hoo, Mindy!" you may be thinking, but there is a caveat. I seem to have a bit of a gift for parts of my job. One aspect is that I can sense salesmen. How, you may wonder? They annoy me, I tell you. And I was told to specifically look for a saleman kind of attitude for this position. *sighs* I'm hoping that it'll all be okay, and I'm sure it will be, but it's just kind of funny that my "gift" has the potential for such internal ookiness. Don't get me wrong, I have some friends who are salesmen, but when I'm in a business situation with one, well, they can't help it, the poor dears, they ooooooze that let-me-help-you-ma'am-I'm-sure-we-can-make-a-deal grease. Hmmm, I hope no one from work ever figures out who this is.....

Oh, and in the "Great Ironies of Life" category, Moo, in keeping with his status as Excellent Winco Employee, is being sent to help open one of the newest stores next weekend. All travel and lodging expenses paid for eight days. Sounds all legit and everything, right? No irony anywhere, right? Just the reward of the hardworking and well-deserving, right? He's going to Visalia, California, zip code 93291, the place where yours truly was attempting to move exactly a year ago. Ohhhhhhh, the irony of it all!!!!!!! *laughs* Matt has been throwing around threats ever since he found out he was going, but it looks like The Person In Question will be in Pennsylvania, so Moo will have to content himself with breathing angry murmurings under his breath.

Lessee, I think that's all my fun, fascinating, and entertaining news for the day. Who knows, if you're all reaaaaally lucky, maybe someday I'll start blogging about the stuff that happens at work. *rolls eyes* Or not. I wouldn't want to make you too cynical about humanity.


Anonymous said...

Well, maybe this is an opportunity for you to move to portland as well and be all that much closer to a stunningly handsome old friend of yours who happens to live in the portland area as well;)

LaDonna said...

Tall, blond and 24...hmm...Minders, you may just have to get over your dislike of salesmen. If nothing else, your cousin here doesn't mind salesmen...