Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Introducing Ophelia

I have entered the world of pet ownership by rescuing my brother's ex-girlfriend's cat from my parents' house and Spawn, who had taken to hunting down the intruder every time she was allowed back into the house. Her name is now Ophelia, although it was Spooky when I got her and apparently Veronica before that. However, I do not think that "Spooky" is an appropriate name for a pure black cat. We think she was abused before she went to the shelter, because she doesn't like to be picked up and she's very jumpy, but she loves to be petted. She's turning into quite the bug hunter and so far we've only had minor problems with jumping up where she shouldn't…. but I begin to fear for the Angel Wing fibrous begonia. Ah well, such is the nature of pets. For now she's living solely in the house, but I think it might be a good thing for her to get some outside exercise. I'm afraid my little apartment is rather small for an energetic young cat and my stuff. And there's the fact that her rather long and curving claws could use a little wearing down, rather more than the scratching post can provide. Anyway, here's a picture for you to savor, well, at least for the cat lovers to savor:


Tricia said...

yay! you've graduated from yarn to plants to cats! :)

Anonymous said...

Oh, good. I've been waiting for a picture to appear... Maybe you can teach her to blog.

Anonymous said...

Is she all black? She looks just like my cat, except I think Junior has shorter hair.
PS And here I waited till I turned thirty to get a black cat.....