Saturday, January 26, 2008


It is 51 degrees outside right now.

It is 11:13.


That means "at night."

And it's 51 degrees. That is warmer than it has been almost all week. And the high tomorrow is supposed to be 39.

I love where I live!!!


MsPoppins20 said...

It's 12.3 degrees outside here. At least, that's what Weather Underground is telling me.

I feel so bad, Mindy. Why? Because I have tried to subscribe to your blog on my bloglines account numerous times, and it always tells me that there is no RSS feed. This makes me feel bad because I have subscribed to everyone else's blogs and I can see at a moments notice that they have updated, but I can't do this for yours. Therefore, since I am out of the habit of manual checking blogs, I miss your posts. And they are so entertaining! I really will try to do better. Maybe write a note on my forehead or something...

Mindy said...

Well, I'm glad you came to visit this post at least!! Linda mentioned something about my RSS feed as well and I did a little quick research today and it looks like my template didn't upgrade when Blogger changed in 2007, so I have to figure out how to fix it. But I think I have a lead on that. SO... I'll try to do it soon.