Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Obsession, let me go

Confession is good for the soul, so I have a confession to make. It's been eating at me, tearing away at me, costing me sleep. I am addicted. I can't free myself from the fiery claws of addiction that eat away at me. I love CSI. I adore CSI. I am such a dork! I'm in love with Warrick and Nick and Greg (such a cutie!) and even Archie the A/V dude. Such a dork. I particularly like watching the "victims" breathing on the coroner's table or at the crime scene, or when their eyelids twitch or heartbeat is visible on their chest.

See, this is why I don't have a television. Can you imagine how much time I would waste if there were commercials involved?? It doesn't bear contemplation. *giggles* I would almost feel guilty about this, but I know that LaDonna has been blogging about American Idol. Guess it's my wild escapism at work! I mean, these are guys who use their brains. And the women are strong characters who also use their brains. Love me some CSI. Love me some Firefly, too, but Schuyler hasn't gotten around to returning mine yet. Oh, and need to finish loving me some Due South. Seriously, how on earth do people survive having television??


Mandy Sue said...

You're making me wish I owned CSI on I could watch them!

LaDonna said...

Lol, Mindy, we all need guilty pleasures ;) Unfortunately, growing up on T.V., I have way too many.