Thursday, March 20, 2008

Road Trip!

I am going to Mexico.... again!! This time I'm headed down to the Tijuana area for several days with Dad, Uncle Jim, cousin Katie and boyfriend, and about 35 other people to build a house for a pastor-in-training. I'm thoroughly prepared, having purchased yarn for a new project and lined up several novels as well as plotting how to get movies onto my Zune. It looks like the weather is going to be perfect while we're down there, and I'm really looking forward to it! I'm also looking forward to getting ideas for organizing a mission trip with my church, if at possible, since I think our young people could use a nice shot of reality! Praying people feel free to pray. It's a long trip, drug violence is rampant down there, and this is a great opportunity to touch lives.

In other news, I drove up to Seattle last weekend for Simon and Katrina's wedding, which was lovely, and I hope the very best for them, even though they did blow out their unity candle!!! Juan Carlos of previous Guadalajara post fame got married last weekend, too. Any more and I'm going to begin to suspect something in the air.... or something.

Speaking of something in the air, it's springtime!! Today is the official first day of spring, but it's been creeping up for the last couple of weeks: a bloom here, a leaf bud there, weird weather. I love this time of year! I'm a little bummed that I have to miss a week of spring here, but it means that I get to drive through California during the springtime, which is actually very nice! I got to do it a couple of years ago and everything is beautiful and green. Since this time I won't be on the verge of death thanks to mono, I think I'll be better equipped to enjoy the view. Makes for a nice change from the dry, parched, brown, smoggy California I get to see when I visit the rest of the year. So, behave while I'm gone and enjoy the weather and the vernal equinox!


LaDonna said...

Just rub in the whole Mexico thing, why don't ya? Wasn't there something about a cruise that you're going on too? I don't like you :P And I mean that in the most positive, constructive way possible ;D

Anonymous said...

THanks alot for clueing me in! IF it wasn't for the fact that I decided to check out your site, I wouldn't know anything about turd! When are you leaving?

Mandy Sue said...

Don't worry, you're not missing any wonderful weather here. Its scheduled to rain every single day this week. And we even have a chance of snow tomorrow.

You'd never guess it was spring by looking up at the sky!

Anonymous said...

When are you going to update this blog girl????