Wednesday, March 09, 2005

And the pages keep coming....


Whoo hoooooooooo!!!!!! Caffeinecaffeinecaffeinefrappucinochocolatecaffeinecaffeine!!!! IiiiiiiiuuuuuuuuaaaaAAAAAAAuuuuuIIIIiiiiiii!!!!! Ya gotta love it. The only bad side affect is that, while I may be wide, staring awake, I can't focus for longer than about three seconds on connecting the ideas that are supposed to come together and form my mind-blowingly brilliant paper. It doesn't help that everyone else is here in the computer lab with me and there's someone sitting way too close on the left, invading my bubble (which with strangers extends to about four feet) and yapping. Actually, I feel sorta sorry for these guys as they appear to be of the Lower Orders (read: freshmen or sophomores) and are having to write a group paper. Someday they, too, will be big boys and able to write their own individual papers. *rolls eyes* I think they're jocks and one of them keeps hulking past. Honestly, it's a good thing I was never in a small class with these people or I would have would up shredding their little delicate egos. Hmmm, anyway else notice that my caffeine OD (I'll have a hangover tomorrow, I guarantee it) seems to have loosened up the self-censure??

To anyone younger than me and still in school: DON'T LEAVE IT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE! You wind up in a crowded computer lab listening to Alanis Morrissette and twitching every couple seconds. Really, who need illicit drugs, I have enough problems with the legal ones.

*sighs* Well, I suppose I really ought to get to my paper, although I can't think of anything else brilliant to write. Eventually I'm sure I'll realize that these need to be written during the day when my BRAIN WORKS but until then my words will go on flowing towards the deadline. Until then, my research will carry on. Until the day my eyes behold this stupid paper done and pasted in Blackboard. Until the day I finally get to drive home at 12 in the morning with the windows rolled down and the air conditioner on. Did anyone hear that thunder?

PS Sometimes the comments take a bit too post so don't worry if your's doesn't show up immediately. If however, it isn't there the next day, worry.


Anonymous said...

That pitiful little "0 comments" finally got to me enought that I figured I just HAD to say SOMETHING, even though I have no idea what. Oddly enough, my memories of that night and the ensuing day are a bit cloudy as well. Hmm.... How very strange! Any ideas how that might have happened? *grins* I still think you should've just eaten a good meal instead of that Snickers.... I could've taken care of it for you. But oh well. *sniff* (say it with me) Nobody listens to me anyhow.....

Mindy said...
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Mindy said...

Snickers DOES count as food, just so you know. And I needed the sugar... and you COULD have just told me to drive myself home, ya know.

Anonymous said...

*chortles fiendishly* So, we've now taken to commenting in our own blog, have we? And yess we could have told her to drive herself home, certainly, and LOST A FRIEND WHEN SHE DROVE INTO THE DITCH! *sighs* Oh, by the way.... I'm glad you called. Silly me, but I enjoy the random chats at random hours.

Anonymous said...

Whoever said that Snickers wasn't included in one of the major food groups? Especially in a womens food group = )