Thursday, September 08, 2005


That would be the sound of people fainting in shock as they see that I am putting up a new post. I know, I know, I have been sadly remiss in my blogging duties. Okay, honestly, I've been remiss in a lot of stuff lately. So, recap of my life in the last monthish. Melodie came down for my birthday and we had a wonderful several days which included going to a piano concert (just a quick note that older performers just have a certain je ne sais quois that really adds to the performance) and afternoon tea at the Ashland Springs Hotel, among other delightful things.

My garden (what, you thought I was going to give you a respite? Psh! You'll have all winter for that.) is surviving, although the strawberries have never quite recovered from Midwest and the peppers are pitiful, not to mention that the tomatoes did permanent damage to the crookneck squash. You'll all be thrilled to know that next spring I will have been forced from the nest and most likely will not have access to gardening facilities like those I currently rule in an iron-fisted dictatorship. Autumn has come (does it strike anyone else as odd that autumn definitely arrives rather than just becoming?) and the weather is changing (hallelujah!), so the garden will soon be going to rest. Oh! That's reminds me, must pick blackberries.

I just got back from spending five days in Visalia, California. Why on earth would I be in Visalia, you ask? I will take this opening to make an announcement that may come as a (huge ginormous) surprise to some of you. I have a boyfriend. *pauses for hysterical laughter, gasps of shock, and snorts of derision to subside* And what's more, we've been going out for... one month and twenty days. I was afraid to tell people at first, which seems really silly now, but I'm taking this chance to do some rooftop shouting. His name is Joel (of previous post fame) and he is a wonderful, talented, and generally all around cool guy. I'll try not to get overly mushy and sentimental on a regular basis, but I'm sure you'll all understand if his name comes up occasionally. I would ask that if some of you are doing speculating about our relationship that you just come out and ask me about it rather than assuming you know the truth. This is so I don't sit around worrying about what people are saying about me. But enough negativity!! The season is fine and I have bills to pay, so I will say goodbye for now, hopefully for less time than this last expanse of Mindy-less suffering. *snorts*


Brinicio said...

I'm so glad you finally came out with it;) Mindy and Joelie sitting in a tree...ah, young love. Mwa hahahahah. I'm so glad I live hours away. It allows me to mock freely without fear of bodily harm. Anyway, once I overcome my current peoplephobia aka the family depression, I'll call you :)

Rational Icthus said...

We don't talk about you behind your back, Mindy... Really. No, really!

I was just wondering, is it Joel's personality, or the fact that with his longish hair he looks a bit like a manly version of the Hansons?

I know about you and the boy bands...

No seriously, congratulations. Couldn't have happened to a better couple. Joel's a great guy.

Here's to Mindy one day becoming a member of the gloating marrieds...

Mindy said...

Wow, nicio, I'll get you later. I'll call and raaaave about him for hooooouuurs. His hair, his eyes *gags*

As for r.i. *snorts* have you been talking to Ladonna? I think I've gotten him to say (not sing) mmbop ONCE and never in front of other people. And she's the one with the boy band fetish.

And for Sug Marriedhood... not ruddy likely!!!! I have NO intention of getting married for quite a while. I still need to mature a little!

It's bad enough that I can't make snide comments about PDA anymore, so I have no plans to start lambasting the happily single. *sighs* It stinks, I had finally gotten really comfortable and content with being single and then WHACK there was Joel. Oh the irony of it all.

Bryan said...

Congrats Mindy! I have known for awhile though, but still.

Come in sometime for a coffee. Bring Joel and I'll get him a bottle...err... coffee.


Brinicio said...

Mindy!!! GASP!!! You can't be in S>5 anymore!!! It would be against our very principles!!! Notice my insanse usage of exclamation marks as a symbol of violently raised eyebrows!!! And I know why you like Joel...he has a great personality...

Mindy said...

Don't rub it in about S>5!! I think you guys should become even more vociferous and grandiose now. And I'm not really gone, just... in another section. I still own a spinning wheel, after all!!

Bry, I'll try to make it in sometime, but I can't guarantee anything. We'll have to get together during school, though! And of course I'll bring Joel in to show him off! *grins*

Rational Icthus said...

PDA? Disgusting.

Mindy said...

But a great deal of fun... I mean, who said that?!?!

Mindy said...
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Rational Icthus said...

Looks like another fish found her bicycle... ')

Next thing you know, they'll be holding hands and all smoochee-smoochee and yet another Gloria-Steinem-wannabee will have fallen! Kimberly and Mindy in the same year?? Who would'a thunk it?

Mindy said...

We're already holding hands and being smoochy-smoochy, but that doesn't mean I've found my bicycle... maybe my SKATEBOARD, which all fish would find useful. Don't worry, I still have my excessively liberated moments, but Joel doesn't seem to mind them much, except when I'm trying to pay for myself *rolls eyes* What is it with you guys and paying for our food??

Rational Icthus said...

Self defense. It is said that "the way to a man's heart is through his stomach."

Were we to allow you to pay for the food, we'd be giving you the "keys to the castle," and well, we can't have that now can we?