Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Dry heat....

Can be a beautiful thing, I must say, although I was a little weirded out when I got home and wasn't sticking to anything. Midwest Camp was an absolute blast!!!! I was so busy but for some reason I felt much less stressed out than I do in Portland. If there is any way for me to go next year, I'm there man. I made some wonderful new friends and got to catch up with some old ones. We had some killer storms while I was there, and I got caught in one. Sheets of water, veritable sheets, I say, and Joel the Genius once again said "let's go walking in the rain" and Mindy the Moron said "sure!" *hides stern look for a moment* It was really cool, actually. *looks stern again* Missouri is very green, a definite change from here. It was like going to Guadalajara last year. I came from dead, brown, burnable stuff to lush, beautiful greenery and thunderstorms. Speaking of dead and brown........ my hanging baskets and the strawberries...... well, let's just say it's a bit of a tragedy, really. And that stupid tomato plant is really beginning to try my patience. Hmmm, I'm afraid I don't have anything else all that fascinating to say, so I'll just keep this post short!


Bryan said...

Glad to have you back Mindy.

Rational Icthus said...

Yes, it's good to see you home and writing. You're the only one of us AF bloggers that posts regularly, myself included.

Wow, my life must be *really* boring.

My five year wedding anniversary is tomorrow. Can you *believe* it?!

Mindy said...

That's alright, it's my 25th birthday. How do you I feel? Anyway, happy anniversary and congratulations on the big 0-5!!!!

Pheather said...

Happy Birthday Mindorph,
Did you ever think we would make it this far? Try not to be too depressed about being a quarter of a century, because I am shortly behind you...

Pheather said...

Happy Birthday Mindorph,
Did you ever think we would make it this far? Try not to be too depressed about being a quarter of a century, because I am shortly behind you...

Anonymous said...

Ah, a new post. Indeed, good to have y'back. *she said, sitting and trying to type on Mindy's keyboard*

Stacy said...

I beg to differ, I happen to be pretty good myself and posting on a regular basis. Theres a new one up right now (for those who haven't read it)

Welcome home Mindy, I know exactly what you speak of when you mention the beautiful greenery and thunderstorms. Are they not the absolute BEST!

I would love to go back next year. Maybe we should all plan a littl trip out ther together, how fun would that be!!

Rational Icthus said...

Sorry Stace,

Forgot about you. Must've lumped you in with your brother -- forget playing thru his sax, I think the posts get stuck in there...

Luv ya, Zacko!

Anonymous said...

Welcome back Mindy. Thanks for the e-mail you sent. I was beginning to shake... Thought I'd never hear from you again. *sobs then laughs* *evil laugh* :-) ;-)

Glad to hear you had fun at Midwest camp. Lest I forget, Happy Birthday! I've got a couple more years till 25. I hope you feel older and wiser now! *snickers*

Anyway, life is moving along here in the big city. School starts next week, so I'll be hopping my trains soon enough!

Will try to respond to your e-mail before the week runs out! Hope your world is as crazy and fun as mine!

Later Madam!