Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Ahhh, autumnal joy

What?! You don't want to hear me rave on about the season?!? Psh. Some friends you are. I am trying to get pictures taken, but my camera battery died on me while I was skipping Econ in the park today, and I can't recharge it until I get home this weekend, and by then all the leaves will have fallen. Lithia Park has some of the most beautiful trees as you first enter the park. I spent some quality time in the yarn store, too. I couldn't help myself!! I was going to be 10 minutes late for a 50 minute class, the weather was perfect, and there was a yarn store nearby! Why sit in a class I am usually dreadfully bored in when I could goof off? I need to practice at some point, however, as both my voice and violin lessons are tomorrow.

I've started staying in town during the week with an older couple from church in a desperate attempt to conserve money on gas. I figure I'll probably be able to save about $30 every week and a half to two weeks. I've also taken to parking and walking to as many errands as I possibly can, thereby getting exercise AND saving gas. I would pat myself on the back for being environmentally conscious, but I'm afraid a good deal of this is money related, although I might keep the walking thing up just for my health. So, this staying in town is why the camera battery can't get recharged until I go home.

In school news, I haven't done any of my International Economics independent study homework, I'm doing okay in Econ 202 (minus the one skipped class), my Geography class continues to be very interesting (side note: the prof is a total nut and a crack-up, which several morons in the class seem unable to appreciate. Fortunately the two blonde twits who would sit and talk ALL CLASS seem to have dropped out. Thank heavens.), Fundamentals of Conducting is really cool (there's more to it than waving at people), and I get really fun music in my lessons. Not that you guys really care, I know. I'm starting to look forward to graduating in a freaked out sort of way. Facing my future is a very scary concept, let me tell you. More paranoia later, I'm sure.

PS Guada Loopy, Chris? Guada Loopy???

1 comment:

MsPoppins20 said...

It's okay, you can rave about the season all you want, because it is my favorite season too! I am currently in the process of making detailed plans that entail a trip to a pumpkin patch, a round orange object, and a big knife.

About school... I think you should be okay with the one missed class. I offically went to one whole week of school, then skipped 7 days and went to Japan. Well, Friday I technically could have gone to class if it wasn't for the fact I still thought it was 12:00 at night =) I will post about my trip on my blog soon, but I am too tired tonight.