Wednesday, January 18, 2006

I know, I know...

I left you all hanging for who knows how long. Well, I'm just going to post a little update as my parking time is going to run out soon. The paper is done and got mailed to my prof the 23rd. However, the rest of it isn't done yet (I blame other people) and I haven't heard back from said prof and so I begin to worry that the paper never made it to her, but I'm afraid to get ahold of her without more stuff to turn in.

I haven't been posting because I spent two and a half weeks down in California visiting Joel and then about a week up in Washington with Melodie. It rained in both locations and I had a lot of fun, but now it's back to the grindstone, this time with the added push to find a job and get all my school paperwork done and out of the way. Funny how things just kinda spring up at you that they don't really tell you about. I think they should have to make a checklist of things so we don't feel so lost.

Anyway, I hope everyone had wonderful holidays and I'll try to be better about posting and letting you all know I'm alive!!


Rational Icthus said...

Welcome home, Mindy! I hear some wierd guy kept gave you flowers in Seattle. What's that about??!!

Rational Icthus said...

Excuse the typo, that's what I get for thinking before typing. Let's try "I hear some wierd guy gave you flowers in Seattle."

Pheather said...

It's about darn time Mindorph. What else do I have to break up the monotony in my otherwise boring work day but to read your posts. Take Care sweetie, Pheath

Brinicio said...

Oh wayward one! Welcome back to the fold of your parents. Let us embrace you with joy and ok that's enough. Sorry I haven't called back yet. I've been in kind of a (as Cake would say) "NO phone, NO phone, I just want to be alone." sort of mood. But I will call you and we can discuss the awfulness of Underworld 2, our mothers, and of course, Joel. ;)

Mindy said...

Weird dude?? Flowers???? Where was I?!?! Perhaps you refer to Eric trying to give me a stolen rose.

Pheath! I always like to hear from you. It's like "someone from my past life still loves me. Yay!!!"

Brin, I understand totally. Don't worry about it. *grins* I still haven't seen Underworld 2, but Moo was talking about going to see it. He got Advent Children for Christmas from his gf and I think we're going to try and watch it tonight.