Monday, January 23, 2006


Ugh. Mornings. I probably wouldn't have made it out of my bed at a semi-reasonable hour today except Joel called and inspired me. So, yeah, today I was supposed to go to work. I got up at 7, made oatmeal for Moo and I (he's baby-sitting me while my parents are off gallivanting away my inheritance), and then took him home before *RING* "This is Karen, just calling to remind you that we have rehearsal at 11 with Galina." AAAAAGGH!!! Why, yes, I had forgotten. I'm playing a violin duet with Karen at her Junior Recital in February and we NEED to rehearse with the pianist. *heavy sigh* So I called Becky, who very sweetly informed me that it was fine, I could go to Ashland for the practice, and, while I was at it, why didn't I GET MY BUTT HOME AND FINISH MY ECON HOMEWORK!!!!! And so I sit in the computer lab, updating my blog, waiting for 11, because of course I didn't bring my books with me. Oh yes, just got a note from my prof and I got an A- on the paper, and she'll probably be grading the test in the next week. So far, so good. I use the word 'so' a lot, don't I?

Weather: It's foggy here in Ashland, which means it's stinking cold. Anyone else ever noticed the peculiar ability of fog to hold in cold? But, it's going to be beautiful out at my house. *happy sigh*


MsPoppins20 said...

So I have decided that reading your blog is like watching a T.V. series. Why you may ask? Because you jump into things/names/places and only the truly devoted know what you are talking about. I'm working on upping my level of understanding of your life.

HAHAHAHAHAH I just realized what I typed, but I am leaving it there!

Stacy said...

Mindy I've been such a HORRIBLE friend, I haven't been reading your blog as faithfully as I had been in the past.

I got bored at work today and decided to take the time to catch up on everyone's blogs. So far I'm doing great, I think I've commented on all the blogs I've visted so far, no that doesn't mean that you have the right to go read everyones blogs to see whos I actually visited. That wouldn't be a good thing (cause I haven't been to that many yet)

Anonymous said...

Wow! Someone found your blog inquisitive! Isn't that just splendid, though. My, but this IS a good week for you.... *grins*

Mindy said...

Oh, I'm so thrilled that I'm inquisitive. Oops! I erased the comment. *irritated mumblings about passwords and spam*

Ms., I figure that it adds a level of mystery and, dare I say, inquisiteveness that draws my readers in. Except for when I'm being boring, like now.

Stace, as you can see, I haven't been really good about reading either, so don't worry about it!!