Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Curse you, Electromagnetic Field!!!!

Mum and I have been having a rousing go-around about the stupid International Economics paper, right? So, I have about four paragraphs of free-write done and saved, I'm on a roll, I'm gonna get this done by Christmas. I saved it to a disk last night and went to open it on my cousin's computer (home is sounding a little hostile right now) and *plink* "This disk is not formatted." Seems that the four seconds my cell phone spent on top of my disks yesterday was just enough to erase it, with all of my papers for the last year, including my Capstone, which was the only one entirely saved in another place. *raging and gnashing (or is it knashing?) of teeth* Of course, all you ex-students and current students know what that means: ALL of the wind has been taken out of my sails. I CANNOT write about Venezuela now, CANNOT. Even though I know Marie would counsel me to just get all of the stuff out of my head and into the document, I keep thinking of the two brilliant opening sentences I had already crafted and which I'm not willing to spend a ton of money I DON'T HAVE (right now, maybe when I'm rich and retired) to try and maybe possibly not-sure retrieve. *heavy, heavy sigh and the sound of a candy wrapper crinkling* On the plus side, it didn't manage to erase my Mexico journal entries that are on the disk underneath and that also need to be turned in soon. Sooo, yes, Merry Christmas to all!!! Drive safely, traveling mercies, and may all your disks retain their information.


Pheather said...

Madam Min,
I wish you luck, and send my left over brain cells your way. I hope dispite all this that you are able to have a Merry Christmas, Pheath

Bryan said...

Alright, I am going to yell at you. Sorry.


Come on Mindy, you can do it! Just sit down and get it done! Then you will truly have your college degree that you have worked so long and hard for. The sooner you get it done, the more you can enjoy your break. Don't make me hunt you down and babysit you... I'm serious.

Sorry, but that had to be done. Tough love. Love you lots!

Anonymous said...

Oh no Mindy! "Disk not formatted"? I curse EMG right along with you. That's every student's worst nightmare.

I'll be praying for you. Looks like International Economics is really taking its toll!

Well, as Bryan said, "just sit down and get it done". Grit your teeth while doing it. Foam at the mouth if you have to. I find the best way to tackle an unpleasant task is to attack it as I would a physical enemy!

I think I'll save my jolly stories for later. Let's just say that the transit strike was no fun, my theoretical computer science final was a killer, and I just spent the past week taking over my sipervisor's responsibilities without prior notification.

Hope you feel better hearing my miserable stories... By the way, nice GPA and a Happy New Year... Please try to stay sane through this mess... It'll be awfully lonely without you at camp this year! ;-( :-(

Later Madam! Sit tight... You're almost through!

Anonymous said...

Same post... No typos!

Oh no Mindy! "Disk not formatted"? I curse EMG fields right along with you. That's every student's worst nightmare.

I'll be praying for you. Looks like International Economics is really taking its toll!

Well, as Bryan said, "just sit down and get it done". Grit your teeth while doing it. Foam at the mouth if you have to. I find the best way to tackle an unpleasant task is to attack it as I would a physical enemy!

I think I'll save my jolly stories for later. Let's just say that the transit strike was no fun, my theoretical computer science final was a killer, and I just spent the past week taking over my supervisor's responsibilities without prior notification.

Hope you feel better hearing my miserable stories... By the way, nice GPA and a Happy New Year... Please try to stay sane through this mess... It'll be awfully lonely without you at camp this year! ;-( :-(

Later Madam! Sit tight... You're almost through!