Wednesday, March 01, 2006


For those of you (Mandy!!!!) who have noticed my lack of posting, I have but one word: mononucleosis. That's right, after managing to avoid that dreaded disease in high school when I was supposed to get it, I came down with it two days before that Aforementioned Day and didn't really move that much over the next week and a half... minus the road trip to Visalia that my parents hijacked (thank heavens!!) and which I spent vilely ill. Since the incubation period is 4-6 weeks, it looks like I contracted this lovely little number during my holiday visit in V., and in fact, Joel is supposed to find out today whether or not he has it, since he started having weird symptoms about the same time. *heavy, heavy sigh* Isn't my life supposed to be coming together right now, rather than falling apart?? On the plus side, I started a new job as a bookkeeper's assistant the Tuesday after I got sick, but my boss is being really cool about my hours being short for a bit as I try to avoid a relapse. This is harder than it sounds since I don't feel nearly as sick as I did, and I don't realize I've overdone it until it's too late. Ah well, such is life, I suppose, although I really hope that none of you EVER get this. *sighs again* Good life and good health to you all!


Bryan said...

*Mental Note: No makin' out with Mindy for the next 4-6 weeks. She has mononucleosis.


Rational Icthus said...

Hmm... Mononucleosis, the "Kissing Disease" it's called...

Mindy, Pre Valentine's Day
I hate this day, blah blah blah...

Mindy, Post Valentine's Day
I came down with mono over Valentine's day, and my boyfriend might have it too...

Maybe you didn't quite hate Valentine's Day as much as you let on? Sounds like you might have enjoyed it a bit too much, in fact...

Seriously, sorry you're sick. Jillian had mono and it was a horrible thing. She did lose a lot of weight, though...

Anonymous said...

Umm... But she wasn't THERE over Valentine's day. Hmm....

Mandy Sue said...

Ok, Ok, I'm SOO sorry for giving you a bad time about not posting!!! I had NO idea that you had mono...and I feel TERRIBLE for you, I remember when Justiss had it at the beginning of the school year! So this is my get well note to you!! Feel better--and whatever you do...don't try to keep going, it doesn't work--u'll eventually crash and burn--ask Justiss!

Rational Icthus said...

Wow! That's a powerful virus to infect from a distance!

Anonymous said...

So much for civility....!

Stacy said...

Aww poor Mindy....there she sits with Mono waiting by the phone for Joel to call with his results.

The question is not only how did you get this "kissing disease", but from WHOM?

As Florin so kindly asked when I read him your blog...If Joel gets this from you, then whom exactly have you been kissing for you to get this "KISSING disease"

And I would be shocked at what Matt said about the big mouth, but Florin also made a great point on that as well...Do we really expect anything less from him?

Rational Icthus said...

Please forgive Matthew. As I understand it, he's on some heavy narcotics as a result of, uh, *giggle*, uh, well, *snort*, HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!

Mandy Sue said...

LOL! I love how it's nicknamed the 'kissing disease' even though, the majority of the time, that isn't how its contracted!

Stacy said...

Who knows though, Joel may contract it that way = )

Mandy Sue said...

LOL! yeah...

Rational Icthus said...

Mindy, how are you feeling? And how's Joel doing? Hope you guys are feeling better soon. Jillian had mono back in '99 and it was NOT a cool thing. (She did lose a lot of weight though!)

Stacy said...

I remember when she had it. Poor Jill was miserable, she wasn't her normal self.

How long does Mono usually stick around?

Rational Icthus said...

Did you get it 'cuz you finally found the "One?"

Mindy said...

So, Joel DOESN'T have mono, and the reason I thought he might was because the incubation period is 4-6 weeks, putting me right in the middle of my visit down there when I contracted it. Now the big question is how did I get it if it wasn't from him.... I don't remember kissing anyone else....

Thanks for advising me of Matt's little, um, accident, Chris. It made his rude comment much easier to bear.

I'm actually feeling pretty good, minus this nagging sense of fatigue, but who knows, that could just be because I'm out of shape and eating poorly. I'm afraid I lost no weight as my appetite-less period was only 4 or 5 days long.