Tuesday, December 19, 2006

It's clear in the mountains...

...but down here in the valley, it didn't get above freezing today and the fog froze and pretended to be snow. Dad said it was gorgeous and clear up at the old homestead today. I do have to admit, the fogsnow was pretty. Thank you, Ms. Poppins, for the understanding. *laughs* I'm going to not whine this post, which is why I just deleted a sentence.

Christmas just snuck up on me out of nowhere this year and I barely got my Christmas cards out in anything resembling a timely manner. *looks ashamed* I'm afraid that I'm also doing some last-minute, not-quite-thoughtless shopping, but now I'm remembering all these other people I should be buying for. *rolls eyes* Can any of the adults out there tell me how you do it?? I can't even imagine trying to do this and have kids at the same time... which is probably why every time I even contemplate the possibility of children I see myself as a content housewife. *pauses* Okay, mostly content with a dash of insane.

Anyway, since I will not see the majority of you all,Merry Christmas!!!! Thank you for sticking with me, even though I haven't been around as much as I was in high school. I'll try to become entertaining and sarcastic again in the near future, so you won't get too bored. *grins* God bless all of you if I don't post again before New Year's!!!

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