Sunday, December 31, 2006

...So where is my figgy pudding?

I just re-read my last post. I meant college and not high school, in case you all didn't guess. My brain hasn't been working for several years now. Anyway, I'm just getting ready to take off and go to the Watchnight service at church and thought I would say Happy New Year!!!! to all and sundry. This last year has been much more eventful than I ever would have wanted to anticipated and in directions I never dreamed. I mean, first there was the mono, then the bookkeeping job, the apartment with Moo, the bucket garden (oh hey!! I just got my first seed catalog of the year!!)... the list goes on and on. And I know there have been plenty of things going on in your lives as well, but so far we have survived. Hugs to all and hopefully I'll see everyone at some point in 2007! (*swallows loudly* I cannot believe it's already 2007. I mean, I was supposed to be queen of the Universe by now... or at least have traveled a few more places... Ack! I will not get all pessimistic!!) Good night, guys! Take care and have fun!!

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