Saturday, February 03, 2007

Bed? Why would I be in bed?

So, I was kinda just cruising through my old blog entries (this really is just as much for me as for other people) and I went back to a year ago.
Just wow. Okay, okay, I know, I know, I waxed nostalgic earlier this year already, but really, come on now. I hadn't even gone through *shudders* mono, yet. I still don't feel like an adult. I mean, we were discussing the rules for the new church youth center and how there needed to be adult supervision and, you guessed it, I am considered adult supervision. Me. *would sit down heavily but is already seated* I certainly don't feel like an adult. I can tell I'm not quite a kid because I want to throttle teenagers with an alarming frequency, but I don't feel ... I don't know, adult-like, like I'm grownup enough to be responsible for things. Ya know what I mean, Vern? Stars and stripes forever, all this emotional trauma has turned me into a brooding, introspective, maudlin sentimentalist. On to greater things.

I got a new bed! The ex-boss had given me a daybed, but it doesn't fit in my decidedly-smaller-than-my-room-in-the-apartment room, and so I've been sleeping on a mattress on the floor. It was kind of funny, someone came over one day and got the tour and they were like "why do you all sleep on the floor?" We had never thought about it, but we all sleep (or slept, hehe heh) on the floor. But, Joel's little sister (who lives up here now) just got a new bed and so I inherited her old one. Thick mattress. With boxsprings. And a hollywood frame. And suddenly my room is actually a bedroom. *sighs* I can even store things under it. Speaking of, I need to get up in time to pick up said younger sister for Sunday School tomorrow and I'd like to get a real breakfast (the donut episode last week was a definite learning experience), so I'll release you all from the grip of my inane babbling.


Stacy said...

So reallly all I'm curious about is the donut experiance you speak of at the end there?? Do share...

Mindy said...

Nothing too bad, I just had a glazed old-fashioned donut *pauses for a salivating moment* and then crashed emotionally. It was just great. *grins* Of course, I totally know better, since my coworker brings donuts to work occassionally and I wind up babbling during interviews if I even eat half of one.

Anonymous said...

And you want me to come down there and make CUPCAKES? Yeah, right. With frosting. Uh huh. Great idea... *grins* (We won't talk about my reactions to the song service after you took me to Puck's for breakfast one sunday morning...)