Sunday, February 25, 2007

Olive Garden Soup

It's just so yummy! It's become a new tradition on Sunday evenings for us olderyoung singles to go get a $4.75 bowl of soup and eat breadsticks, and I have to say, it's a lot of fun. Tonight I really needed the support (Jim and Flora, I sorry!!!! I really did mean to come home and do my laundry!!!!! But I'll be coming over tomorrow, I promise.) and the great Brinicio came with us and it was a lot of fun. The Zuppa Toscana is just that perfect blend of spicy and pseudo-healthy.

As some of you will have maybe noticed, I've changed some of my previous entries. I was informed that pasting my emotions all over the front of my online persona was probably a bad idea. And I agree. So, the particular subject which was addressed in the changed entries isn't going to be using up my blog space anymore except in passing. Life is too short for me to let anything like that rule me. So, Pheath, Fish, CrazyLady, everyone else, if you really want to know what's up with that, drop me a line. Pheath, we need to get together and catch up as it is. I've totally lost contact with almost everyone and I feel terrible about it.

Okay, so, what is up with this weather?? The snow on the valley floor? Brinicio says that the snow one day followed by sun, then sleet, then rain, then sun again... well, basically, she just can't handle it. I must say, I am a little peeved since this weather never happened when I was still in school, or even living at my parents' house, and able to have a snow day!!! All the beautiful little bulbs are beginning to poke out their little heads those. Except for here, at our house, where we never got around to planting any. We have grass. Barren grass. Dying grass actually, although I'm not sure why. Well, maybe it's drowning, which would make sense. Brin says it was distinctly soggy when she stepped on the lawn the other day. I have great plans for summer plantings, however. Please, stay tuned to this site for further fascinating updates!


Anonymous said...

Good call on the post. I'm proud of you, just so you know...

Anonymous said...

Way to go! I'm proud of you too, girl! God has great and precious promises in store for ya, which no eye has seen nor ear heard (Isa 64:4 & 2 Pet 1:4)!

Stacy said...

Proud of you Mindy!

Enjoyed this post, I totally feel for you on the whole snow issue! I don't ever recall having a snow day, or even a 2 hour delay start and now all of a sudden Medford gets 2 snow days, what is up with that!