Tuesday, November 06, 2007


I had a dream not that long ago that I went back to Guadalajara. Actually, it has happened more than once. Sometimes they are good dreams when I'm seeing all of my friends and they're all happy to see me and other times Antonia is berating me for not staying in contact.

The other day while I was perusing Bebo (not stalking, Nicio. Honestly.) I ran across my pictures of Guadalajara. Not too difficult to do since they're on my own page, but I haven't looked at then in well over a year. In a flash I was there again, driving through the streets with Juan Carlos, sorting the books in the school's library, hugging my kids.

Sometimes when I'm sitting at work I get these weird flashes of places in Guadalajara. Or I'll remember eating fish tacos on the street corner with thirty other people under one of the biggest trees I've seen that wasn't a redwood. When I was in La Reyna Bakery the other day buying pastries, I remembered walking a mile or whatever it was to get empanadas and chocolate milk.

So is it coincidence that as I happened to be trolling Alaska Air's specials, I came across a special from Los Angeles to Guadalajara that would cost me about $350 round trip? And that there is a special from San Francisco to Los Angeles to GDL that would probably cost me about $100 more?


Anyone thinking what I am thinking?

Tragically for me, I've spent most of my recent mad money on getting into my apartment and getting the old computer hooked up. AlthoughI do have a small amount of mad money coming in.... Ack! NO!! I really want to go, but I think that now is not necessarily the best time. I haven't been in touch with anyone for a while.... except for Omar, who told me today while we were chatting for the first time in, again, over a year, he told me that I'll always have a place there. You've never seen any of these people, have you?
Behold Juan Carlos and my youngest brother Emanuel.
I'm sorry I haven't had these up before, but when I first started, Blogger wasn't so newbie-friendly. Now that it is, perhaps I'll give you a better idea about the five months of my life that happened outside of American soil! But yeah, for now.... well, I'll just let the plotting begin. After all, what's holding me here?

1 comment:

Mandy Sue said...

Nice! I'll have to check out that album on your bebo sometime when I'm not at work. My work blocks all social networking sites, but not BLOGGER! yet... :D