Sunday, October 28, 2007

And so we ran

Tonight was the Harvest Party at church. We had darts, ring toss, cupcake decorating, pillow case races, and yours truly on the mummy wrap as well as plenty of other activities. And food, we can't forget the food. Becky went out and bought me a box of cheap toilet paper from the dollar store and everyone had a great time. Of course, we didn't wind up using all of the toilet paper, and I had bought some extra stuff so I didn't need it. I offered it to Bry, but he didn't really need it either as he had just purchased 24 rolls himself, and it can take even two bachelors a while to get through that much. I was thinking about just donating it to the church, but nobody seemed really taken with the idea, seeing as it wasn't the nicest stuff available (read: it tore easily and we would probably go through a roll a service per stall).

And then Bryan had The Idea.

For those of you who don't know, we recently got a new pastor who happened to grow up in Central Point. We usually hassle our new pastors somehow, but Bro. Bill is family. So New Pastor + Overabundance of Toilet Paper = Hot Time in the Old Town Tonight. There were six of us all told, Bryan, myself, Zach, Mandy, Mark and Troy. We drove over and began our work, which I must say was rather artistic. We avoided the vehicles because we figured that anyone who just moved up from Richmond, California, would have an alarm. We were right. I spelled out a very nice WELCOME on the lawn, we garnished all of the bushes, we have pictures, we were putting on the final touches and.... well, stories begin to vary at this point. Mark heard a click that wasn't made by us and started booking, Zach stood staring at the door as it opened until a voice said "there's a 64 pound...." and felt the need to move along. I just saw people moving quickly away from the house.

And so we ran.

We were very impressive, making it to the cars and up the street in excellent time. As I whipped past the other car I looked in the back window and saw four silhouettes. Four. I called Bryan and my phone immediately died, thanks to three solid years of abuse. Fortunately, he stopped at the end of the street and I pulled up alongside him.

"Do you have Troy?"

*quick head count* "I guess not!"

Yes, loyal readers, our numbers were short by one. And so we were now obligated to return to the scene of our crime to retrieve our fallen comrade. After all, we could leave no man behind, even if it were in the middle of a nice neighborhood in a relatively smallish town. I mean, it's cold this time of year and he would have had to walk a ways to get home. Even then, we probably could have gotten away with it, except for one simple fact. As the rest of us ran for the cars, Troy ran in the opposite direction and the pastor's wife saw him. The pastor found him pressed up against the side of the building, probably wondering how he was going to break it to Uncle Terry that he was being removed from the choir. Fortunately for him, the 64 pound dog that had moved Zach along was actually quite friendly. We had thought that since there's some commuting going on that it wouldn't be here on weekends, but apparently we were wrong and her growling had awakened Bro. Bill's daughter. And Troy, instead of running to the cars, had run the other way. *gurgle of laughter* I love my cousin Troy.

By the way, it is 1:20 a.m. Do you know where the other five are?


Mandy Sue said...

After we departed from the parsonage, we went for a....

little drive, lets say. We took the scenic route back to Bryan and Troy's apartment and made a little pit stop along the way. If you've been on bebo, you can see our handy work!

Mindy said...

I've had so many people ask WHY we did it!!!! I would think it would be completely OBVIOUS!!!