Wednesday, September 17, 2008

I miss the old Disney

I just watched High School Musical for the first time and I gotta say, I miss the old Disney.  Ya know, the one that wasn't constantly shoving feel good messages at you with every movie.  And the cast is so obviously ethnically politically correct that it's annoying.  But back to the feel good messages.  It just seems like Disney has gotten so saccharine sweet that their movies are nearly intolerable.  I mean, Disney has always been about escapism, but their movies and cartoons have gone to the point where I'd rather gag than cheer when the heroes win.  HSM itself isn't overly bad, I mean, it is a musical about a high school musical and Zac Efron likes to sing through his nose and the actress who plays Gabriela does that glottal stop thing that irritates me to death, but the tunes are catchy and there are some fun moments.  But I've noticed that even if bad things do happen in a Disney flick, like someone dies, now it feels overly contrived, whereas before it seemed like part of the story.

Perhaps this is what happens when I go from watching Buffy (admission: am partially in love with Angel, much to my dismay.  Curse you, brooding men!!!  Hope to be in love with Spike soon, because he's just so bad.) and Fast and the Furious to kids' movies.  .......  Or maybe not.  I don't remember the cartoons I grew up with constantly pushing a message at me, albeit usually positive message.   I wonder what Walt would say.  Especially at the ridiculous number of sequels that keep coming out.  Blegh!  I think I may need some Pitch Black or 10 Things I Hate About You to cleanse my palate.  Except I have to go, cause I'm about to be late for church!


NitaBonita said...

Yeah, I have to concur with you, Disney Channel has changed A LOT. This summer when I watched the Andrews girls that channel was one of their favorites, so I got to see A LOT of the shows on there. A big show I loved that would come on there was Boys Meets World, It was my favorite, then they completely cut it off. Oh, and GAH!! To High School Musical, that was one of the Lamest movies i've seen on there, and they still continue to make sequals on it.

Mandy Sue said...

I thought HSM was okay, nothing to rave about. I think that disney has gone downhill, too. When I was growing up, they used to have Disney channel original movies every month and they were way better than this contriving crap that they put out now.

But I will say, that I heard that in the first HSM, Zac Efron didn't sing his own part. They actually hired someone to sing through his nose. But I heard that from Cindi so it could be wrong. I can't believe they are making a third one.

Mindy said...

Okay, glad I'm not alone in this! It's like they went from making fewer, but higher quality, films to this mass push of bleah movies.

Stacy said...

Ok so just a quick note about the good ol' Disney chanel days....I had two VERY FAORITE shows on there (not to mention the monthly Disney Original Movie that Mandy mentioned)...that of course are LONG gone, and they were Kids Incorporated (can anyone else sing that theme song with me?) and of course Mickey Mouse Club!

Now those were the good ol' days!