Thursday, May 12, 2005

Saints preserve us!

I do believe I see sunlight outside!! And...why yes! That tree is casting a distinct shadow!!! Now I can begin running around in string tanktops and miniskirts like the other skinny blondes on campus. OR NOT!!!!!! First, sunburns bother me. Second, my skin is in no condition to be exposed to the world. Third, I think I had a dream about Wretched David (not B.) last night, how very odd. Four, I can't make fun of people if I'm wearing the same clothes they are. Five, I need to eat breakfast.

The saga of the Unspecified Allergic Reaction continues. Although I was originally dead set on my scourge of itchiness being poison oak, the lack of welts (although there are plenty of little red dots) and disgusting stuff like that leads me to begin thinking otherwise. I have current reports of new patches on my feet, ankles, legs, upper arms, and poor tummy. And I can't take all of my meds. I took this stuff called Doxeprim, slept for ten hours, and then spent the day in a rather nice haze, slurring words when most inappropriate, like during class. The evening ended with me going to bed at 9 because I was exhausted, not being able to sleep until 11, and then sleeping through my alarm for 30 minutes. As much fun as it was to feel like I had been ingesting illegal....things, for lack of a better word, this is not an experience I will be repeating anytime soon, at least until the itching drives me to desperation. Which it may well do. Very soon. Like no...well, not now, the stuff is at home.

On to the joys of breakfast. Breakfast is one of those things that I really shouldn't skip, no matter how many useless and excessive calories I have ingest the night before. I didn't eat any this morning, and look at how cohesive and well-thought out this post is. *snorts* I've decided that in a desperate attempt to combat my binge-happy self of late, I should start exercising at least an hour every day. Too bad I have NO SELF CONTROL!!!! Ah well, on to the chai and pastry.

PS Sorry about the serious nature of some of my recent posts. I'll try to keep things relatively light and fluffy when I can. Too many social science classes can really do a number on a person.


Anonymous said...

But really, you need to eat breakfast! *speech speech, heckle heckle*

Bryan said...

Yah Mindy, don't skip the breakfast. You are totally screwing over your metabolism.

As far as the itch goes, quit bathing in the sweat of young men. That would probably the cure.


Brinicio said...

Sunlight will turn you into a pile of ash. Stay away. Did you get my frantic message? I think it might be the answer, but would prefer to discuss details over the phone...DUH DUH DU!

I'm going to eat chocolate covered pretzals and candy for breakfast if I don't get myself out of this room.