Saturday, August 06, 2005

Ah, the joys of summertime

Spawn and I have just spent a glorious morning outside enjoying the temperatures before they climb above one hundred. I had tea with fresh strawberries and lemon cucumbers (yay!) out on the patio and then laboured for a bit in..... you'll never guess...... come on...... that's right, the garden! How'd you know? I had to put some more rock down between the beds as they were getting a little muddy and attempt to head off the nasturtiums bid to volunteer their way to Total Garden Domination. My snapdragons seem to be recovering from Campmeeting abuse *ahem* MOTHER, but the lupine and dahlia just look mangy. Okay, I know, enough already. Anyway, later we sat on the front steps in the shade of the tree (that lost some limbs in the Great Snow) and got petted, if we were Spawn. I'm trying to spot water some of the lawn and the sprinkler makes this very calming whiiiiiiirrrrrrrrrr click hissssss noise. Speaking of hiss, I also got to watch a snake in the grass on his journey to the trees, and listened to the whisper of the morning breeze through the leaves. I tell ya, I love where I live. Mom thinks I haven't moved out just because I'm lazy (yeah, yeah, that's only a little part of it, so hush), but really it's because I like it out here. So we sat around for twenty minutes and did nothing. It was great.

Last night I went kind of with Mom and Dad to the opening concert of the Britt Festivals Classical Festival, which featured a disgustingly young violinist. I say kind of because mon pere et ma mere left at intermission to avoid me stabbing them with knitting needles (very sexy knitting needles, too, I might add) to keep them from snoring. Of course, they had put in a very long day and Dad is still recovering from Virginia (he said it was COOL here. COOL!!!) but still. I also got to hear Dvorak's Carnival Overture (very fun) and his Symphony No. 6 in D Major, the third movement of which I have fallen in love with (I know there's a dangling participle there, but I can't figure out how to fix it. With the third movement of which I have fallen in love, perhaps?). Mom and I are supposed to go hear a cellist tonight, but I still think she should save the ticket and find someone to go with her to the fabulous White Russian Nights concert that I desperately want to go to but can't as I will be in Missouri. In the heat. And the humidity. With the bugs. Oh dear.


Bryan said...

Spawn is a cat you geek. Take a second and read what is in the green window.

Anonymous said...

Oooh... And I got mad when six telemarketers left long spiels on my answering machine *clicks tongue and shakes head in very censorious manner* Honestly! Could say more. Won't. Yet.

Mindy said...

Wow, thanks for taking the time to read my profile, G-man. As for that excessively long and invasive advertising comment, I apologize and am now going to delete it.

Anonymous said...

Ok, I must confess to "stalking"... No, actually I ran across your blog quite on accident while looking for something else. Anyway, it was exciting, and I've thoroughly enjoyed backtracking through your entries (which may lead you to believe once again I'm stalking!). Hope you had a fabulous time at Midwest!!

Rational Icthus said...

Goliath, you should name your dog "Stupid." That way you can spend the rest of its life saying "C'mere, stupid."