Tuesday, August 02, 2005


I know some of you are still at home, but I still understand how Melina felt when we were all at Campmeeting. The Washington, Oregon, and California Youth Camps are all going on and I am (virtually) alone!! Okay, not really, Mom and I have been bonding and I know there are others like me out there, but still...... *looks pitiful* Who can I call? Actually, I just called my friend Fish like I should have done months ago. Does anyone else ever feel like they're a bad friend and letting good friendships get moldy? I declare this as good a week as any to write/call/telegraph/smoke signal a friend you haven't talked to in way too long!! Go! Shoo! You're all online, go email!!! After you finish reading, of course. *furtive look* And now for garden smut..... GET BACK HERE!!!! You think I can't see you trying to sneak off and avoid me!! I'll just say... lemon cucumbers are ripe and the lawn is dying. Oops! So are the pink geraniums. I'll go take care of those.

On a much more serious note, two wonderful men in my church both passed away this week: Bros. Al Buss and Bud Schleigh. These men dedicated their lives to God and it showed. Bud used to drive clear out into the boonies to pick my family up for Sunday School and Al gave my dad his first job. The world has lost two great, loving men and our thoughts and prayers should be with their families. Bryan has a tribute to Bro. Bud on his site: www.javaslinger.com

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