Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Back to you, Stan!

Well, I am back to having a job now! I went in to my temp agencies last week to reactivate my account and on Wednesday I got a call from one of them asking me to come in for an interview for an internal position, and that afternoon, I was employed!! I'm the new staffing coordinator, which means I have to start dressing like a professional, makeup, suits (when I can't avoid it), and all. It's really scary because I've never been in anything like this before, having always been the office girl, but there is literally never any down time minus my lunch hour and breaks, so I don't get bored and into mischief. I'm making $5 an hour less, but I'm getting training and experience that is going to make me much more employable in the future... if I want to be. I think what I really need to do is go and make a small fortune and be independently wealthy. What do you guys think? At least I'm working with an office-full of people this time and I don't have to worry as much about what happened before. Anyway, I hope you guys are all doing well and enjoying the advent of autumn, one of my favorite times of year. Break out the scarves and hats!!

PS Melina, I tried to post to your blog, but I couldn't for some reason. I'm sorry!! I'll see if I can't figure it out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well... If you were independantly wealthy you could spend more time creating the scarves and hats to be drug out in a flurry of cashmere and alpaca as soon as the weather cooled. *pause* Yeah, I think independantly wealthy sounds a decent idea...