Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Frozen fingers

...and legs and arms and ears and poor little noses. It is 28 degrees here in Ashland, Oregon, today, ladies and gentleman. At 2:30 in the afternoon. That's REALLY COLD, in case you didn't know. It means that the fog is freezing on the trees and grass, so everything is covered in a layer of white, crystalline spikes. It's like a Christmas card, really. But this does result in ice on roads and the inability to be outside for long periouds of time.

On my finals week front, I'm still alive and haven't had any major anxiety attacks, which is good. I'm finished with most of the little trivial stuff and can now focus my attention on that one class that's going to ruin my GPA, International Economics. I knew better than this. I knew that there was no way that I could take a class as an independent study. But did I listen to me? Oh no!! I knew better than me what I could and couldn't do, and so here I am, three days left in the term, with two take home tests, a 10-12 page paper, and a 20 page reading journal to do. *heavy, heavy sigh* Ask not for whose GPA the bell tolls. It tolls for mine...

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