Friday, February 02, 2007

A Quote From Gwendolen

"A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort."
~Herm Albright

Thank you guys so much for being my friends. (Cheese!!! Ack Ack!!!!!! Too much cheese!!) But really, I mean it. Fish, Pheath, wow guys, who would have thought that over ten years later we'd still be hear and you guys would still be listening to my growing pains. And everyone else who reads and talks to me later or even just prays for me, I appreciate you all so very, very much.

I'm shifting through my angry stage, remembering all the really good times Joel and I had together, trying not to depress his little sister who probably still harbors dreams of us getting back together. It's been a process. *breaks into cheesy song* "The long and winding road" *bum bumk* "something, sooomething....." Okay, that's it, I'm leaving now before things get entirely out of hand. Beware the potstickers and razzleberry pie, beware!!! *sighs* And the worst part is that while you guys might think, "wow, her moods are doing really weird things," after a moment you'll smile and say "nahhh, that's just Mindy!"


Anonymous said...

well, it really is just Mindy:). I may just be speaking for myself here but that is why we love you. If you were dull and boring it wouldn't be the same. 10 years from now I know I will still be here for you and I am almost positive the rest will be too. We have been through a lot of rough waters together and have always made it through with a stronger friendship than before.


Mindy said...

*ponders for a moment* Thank heavens you're right. I have to say that now is when I really appreciate the relationships that have stuck with it through the years. Even friends I haven't talked to in years but who still talk to me once in a while (Pheather, we really need to get together sometime...). I don't know, I guess I realize how important it is to have friends that have been around since I was younger and who can keep me grounded in who I am rather than who my circumstances make me think I ought to be.

Pheather said...

Hey Madam Min,
I am with you with the getting together thing, I don't think you have met my two year old yet (talk about being an adult, man don't have children if you don't want to feel grown up all the sudden (although it is also the way to get to do two year old things)).

I certainly can't speak for Fish King of the Burrito people, but I know him well enough to say that we don't mind the cheese (unless it is old and moldy *wink*) too much. Besides, love (whether romantic or friendwise) doesn't shrivel up and die or just go away. It might change, or your needs might change, or we might *gasp* grow up or whatever.

I am glad that we are still here too (even if it is in cyberspace).

(PS Hey Fish, you still at the same email? I am. Drop me a line, I miss you! How is things up in the great rainy north?)