Thursday, October 11, 2007

I love new computer programs sometimes

I just have to say that I am learning all about the near-complete integration of parts that is taking place in the computer world. For example, using my accounting software, I can download all of my financial info from my bank accounts and then turn around and pay nearly all of my bills. While I'm doing that, I may be struck by an idea that I want to explore a little more fully later on, so I pull up a Microsoft OneNote Sidenote and type it out real quick, and then go back to that thought when I'm done with the financial stuff. If I register my blog within my OneNote, I can decide to blog on that topic and have my Word program automatically sign me in to post!!! And then, if I've registered my Live Messenger id with Office/XP/iTunes, I can navigate a variety of different sites with my Microsoft Passport clearing my way!! Soon I won't even need to leave the house!!!! So, yeah, what started this was a quick tour through OneNote. I would just like to say that this should have been invented EIGHT YEARS AGO while I was STILL IN COLLEGE. Along with all these lovely student deals on laptops that I'm just now hearing about. I can only imagine how much more organized I could have been. As it was, I actually did some of the stuff in OneNote on my own, like, keeping a file open so I could jot down ideas quickly that came to mind while I was in the middle of a paragraph.

Okay, enough geeking out for now. I'll leave Quicken and iTunes for next time or something. I would now like to say that I love autumn. It is really the most fabulous season until winter, maybe even spring. It gets all moody around here, punctuated with days of brilliant sun and biting cold. The trees are just fabulous. We have the ones who kind of sneak from dark green into this incredibly deep purple, and at first you can't even tell if they're actually changing or if it's perhaps just a trick of shadow and light. And then there are the trees that look like someone poured gasoline down one side and lit them on fire, and the other side is still green while the one is crimson and gold. *sighs* And I get to wear my scarves and gloves, and have tea and start Fellowship of the Ring. What more could a girl want?

1 comment:

Mandy Sue said...

Yeah, I have to agree. OneNote is amazing!! I've had it for over 6 months now and I love using it for school. But I think the cool thing is that they have also thought of tons of amazing ways to use it in every day life.

For example, I'm always thinking of random movies that I want to see, books that I want to read, music that I want to buy, but then when I get to the store or someone asks me what I want for my birthday, I can't think of anything. So, I created a wish list in OneNote and every time I think of something I add it to my list. has those cool little check boxes, so once you do buy something you can virtually CHECK IT OFF! And since I'm a list person, that is definitely one of the coolest features!

I also love using it for taking notes in class. It really makes it easier to organize my notes. And much faster than handwriting them. Especially when you have a teacher that goes through her slides so fast that even typing I don't always get everything down I need to before she moves on to the next slide!!