Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Group A (not to be confused with Type A)

Andrew and I came up with a theory years ago to explain why there are some people we absolutely can never understand, like the preppies in school.  People who had no problem saying or doing whatever they felt was necessary to fit in, whether or not that person was their friend or that they were saying truly awful things.  Okay, there's a LOT more to it than that, and much less negative in some ways, but that description introduces/explains (partially) the following anecdote:

So, our insurance rep came in with his assistant one day; we'll call her Rachel.  Rachel looked really familiar and we discovered that we had been in one of our college Spanish classes together.  There was much bonding over the insanity of the professor and in the course of the conversation, Rachel gave me her email address and said that I should email her and we could get together/reminisce/whatever.  I admit that just as she was walking out I asked if she was a knitter because she really looked like someone I see on Ravelry a lot, but other than that, I was fairly normal.

A couple of weeks went by and I finally got around to emailing her only to hear.... nothing.   At all.  Not even a "hey."  After a week or so, I had to call her about something completely unrelated and when I mentioned that I hadn't meant to be so long emailing her, blah blah, she acted completely cold.  I mean, like I had somehow committed some social faux pas the size of a building.  And when she emailed the info I needed to me?  Not one word about the previous email and her message was incredibly stilted.

For several days I was actually a little upset about the whole thing, trying to figure out what I'd said or done wrong (see bit about knitting.  Some people get freaked out.  By the way, June 14th is World Wide Knit In Public Day.) until Nan-chan laid it out for me:  some people are socially superficial and in a social situation will pretend to be all manner of friendly but when you try to follow the natural progression of social interactions, will drop you like toast on fire.  Now, I've heard rumors about this kind of behavior, but apparently I hadn't really noticed when it happened before.  And for crying out loud, I didn't ask for her email address, she had offered it to me!!  Group A?  Paging Group A?

The reason this is being brought up now is that Rachel came in to the office again today, "just stopping by to see how things are going," and she was perfectly nice and made sure she said "hello" and "goodbye" to me.  Seriously, hel-lo?  "Didn't mean to cut you dead like that when I emailed you, you're just a freak, but hey!  Let's all be buddies and nicey-nice and oh!  Is that a new hair cut?  You look darling!"

PS  This isn't a plea for reassurance that I'm not a freak.  But I am wondering, have you guys had stuff like that happen??

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Snort! Cackle....GASP for-breath-I-can't-stop-laughing....WHEW!!!!!