Monday, August 11, 2008

The Only Living Boy In New York

Yeah, I know, I've already posted today. 


Post title is also song title of a Simon & Garfunkel song and totally describes how I feel in this office!!!!  Seriously, am I the only person capable of answering a phone???  Even while doing something else, which, apparently, no one else can do?!?!?!?!? 

I should state very clearly that I do not include Becky in this rant.  She is very good about answering phones.  This rant comes from an entire week during which I multi-tasked and watched movies off YouTube while doing my work (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) so I could avoid listening to the idiotic things my co-workers say (i.e. jokes about pre-choked chicken.  So classy.  And such lovely lawsuit potential if I were someone else.) while certain people  sat around playing solitaire, which is okay since, after all, the office girl is watching movies (while getting her work done), and hey!  Why should they have to answer phones while playing solitaire?


*deep breathing exercises*

So, yes, dear readers, is it as I fear?  Am I the only living person left in this office?  Okay, yes, this is a tad irate and irrational.... and perhaps not entirely true, minus the solitaire part.  And the inability of other people to answer phones.  But still!  Makes me long for the days when my rants were about things like inappropriate behavior in the computer lab.


Anonymous said...

What????? Two blogs in one day??? What is this world coming to?

Brinicio said...

I LOVE YOU!!! (and you should be able to leave comments now if you so choose) Is this a spam then? No, not entirely, because i sent you love as well.