Wednesday, April 06, 2005

I'm Alive! ...a little singed, perhaps, but alive

You'll all be thrilled to know that she didn't even lecture us. We did, however, have to endure quiet disappointment for the first part of class, which is almost as bad. I think only us 'good kids' really suffered. What's that they say about 'no rest for the wicked?' Ha! You have to have a conscience to feel bad, doncha?

Voy a escribir una frase en español para que si un amigo de México quiera leer mi blog van a saber que sí están en el lugar correcto. Y también porque debo practicar con mi segunda lengua como voy a estar escribiendo muchísimo en ella. A pués, más que una frase ¿pero a quién le importa?

Ah yes, the weather was pretty much ideal in Ashland today, although I'm sure it was just hot in the rest of the valley. Here it was pretty warm but there was a stiff breeze that made it fabulous. And I was wearing my new blue linen shirt today. *swaggers a bit* If the weather holds, tomorrow it may be fuschia polyester/rayon. I think I may be going through a change, folks. Although I do like the way I've been dressing for years now, I suddenly feel the need to wear bright colors and *gasp* patterns. I've always (believe it or not) been afraid of drawing attention to myself but I've kinda decided that the world is going to have to notice me and deal with it at some point or another and it might as well be now. Though I can't quite bring myself to wear to incredibly cute skirts to school. Haven't gotten over the 'robust' and white nature of my own limbs yet.

TJN: Yeah, I read that some of them weren't real priests, but March was. Procession and all that.

Oh yes, I found a wonderful article by one of my favorite articles that says that romance novels should not be looked down upon as a genre just because a lot of the books are junk. Let's take a masculine genre, westerns for example. Men don't look down and shuffle their feet when they admit that they read westerns, even though there are plenty of appallingly bad westerns. She maintains that romance novels are a feminist phenomenon where women are allowed to re-write fairy tales that are often misogynistic or at best blatantly chauvinistic. Here's a quick quote from Jennifer Crusie:

"I had Sleeping Beauty, who got everything she'd ever wanted because she looked really good unconscious. Or there was Snow White, who got everything she'd ever wanted because she looked really good unconscious. Or there was Cinderella, who should be given some credit for staying awake through her whole story, but who got everything she'd ever wanted because she had really small feet. The fairy tales I read as a child told me that boys' stories were about doing and winning but that girls' stories were about waiting and being won. Far from setting out on their own quests, women were the prizes in their own stories, and the less active they were--do NOT be a pushy, knife-wielding stepsister--the better their chances were of getting the castle and the crown."

Oops! I just realized this was beginning to slide into a rant. Sorry! But I just can't help myself!!! We were talking today in Sociology about how a woman's body image, no matter where she is in the world, as long as she has TV, is now being dictated by those sadistic freaks in Hollywood and the fashion industry who keep saying we all need to be Paris Hilton clones!!!!! *shudder of absolute horror* Okay, okay, I'm done. Chris, really, if you feel the need to make snide comments every once in a while, it's okay. I just don't want it on a postly basis, please. *sighs* I need a muzzle somedays, don't I?


Anonymous said...

So what would seem to be indicated by your most current semi-rant would be that you were projecting a misleading what's-it with those Disney Princess band-aids.
Oh, and by the way, I may someday get used to the bright colors, but if EVER you start going for a P. Hilton clone, there's gonna have to be some SERIOUS rethinking of this friendship. *grins*

Mindy said...

Wellll, I do have to admit that I like the Disney princesses, I just can't help myself. But I think the message is not that every single woman should be knife-weilding stepsisters, but that we shouldn't be fooled into thinking that waiting to have the prince win us is the only way to gain a kingdom. If that makes sense..

Bryan said...

Gwendolen - if Mindy goes for the P.Hilton look there is going to be some

Anyway, I can sum up Socialology in 5 words; "It's the white man's fault."

I do have to agree that I hate the way that women are portrayed in the media and the image that is forced down young girls throats. It is one of the things that gets me mad when I think about it and the people that I know who are victims of it (I hate the word victim too - this case I would say is appropriate though). Ahh, enough about that.

Just a suggestion Mindy, but your legs are not going to get any darker by keeping them hidden. You gotta start somewhere though. I know I don't have to remind you - you're a good girl - but keep it modest. Modesty is far more sexy.

Makes us use our imagination. ;) Alright, off to class.

Anonymous said...

*sighs and rolls eyes*
Silly Mindy! Of course it does.(make sense, I mean) Puh-leese tell me you dind't actually take me seriously....?! *bemused grin*