Monday, April 04, 2005

Ohhhhh, we are in so much TROUBLE!!!

'We' being my Capstone class who walked out today when the teacher hadn't shown up after twenty minutes. But I, being the goody goody that I am and cannot help being, went with another student to see if she was in her office, and all I can say is "we are in soooooooo much TROUBLE!!!!" She'd forgotten to reset her office clock, but no matter much we all try to rationalize what we did, we know we shouldn't have done it, although we all think that we'll probably be more productive just having this free time. And she is maaaaad at us. *sighs* I can't help it, I feel guilty and will probably have even more trouble sleeping tonight than usual.................

..........but it was strangely satisfying, too, living out one of the deeply treasured fantasies of students everywhere. Come on, you have to admit it, all of us have dreamed of the teacher not showing up and everyone just leaving.......... too bad this time she was in her office and secretly we all knew it, I think. Guilty pleasure! Guilty pleasure!!!!

Ah well, another extra hour trying to get to sleep will be my reward. I have large problems looming on the edge of my consciousness and it's wreaking havoc on my sleep patterns. Contrary to what some people like to delude themselves into thinking, I am sensitive to the feelings of others and I have one situation where the person is deluding himself quite well into thinking that I'm just being insensitive to his (or is it her? You'll never know!!) plight and really I just....whoops, that's one of those rants I should probably avoid, isn't it? I blame the brownie before class. I should just erase the thing but.....I'm not going to. Just so people know that my life isn't all happiness and weather changes. Wow, this is heading towards bitter, I'd better go practice. See what repressed guilt can do to a person??


Anonymous said...

*broods a bit, and sighs*
Umm.... I'm getting worried... Did I just say getting?

Anonymous said...

I never worry about the ability of people to deal with both the dramatic and mundane.

Bryan said...

That is sooo cool Don't feel bad. It was the teacher's fault, and she knows it. She just thinks because she holds the degree she is ALL POWERFUL! I don't care for teachers like that.

I find it ironic that anonymous said nothing at all. Hmmm.

-"Who said that?"
-"I don't know, it was anonymous!"
-"Oh, that guy. He sure says a lot of profound crap."

Sorry anon, couldn't help myself. If you know me, then you know me.

Anonymous said...

I was trying to be cool, but yeah I basically said nothing at all. I don't try to be a pompus... jerk who spouts off profound statements that you didn't ask for, for the longest time I thought it was a redeaming quality, but lately I'm thinking it just rubs people the wrong way.

Brinicio said...

Pobrecita. I had that happen once, teacher not show up. Turned out she was very sick. No feelings of guilt for me :) You on the other hand *points accusing finger. No, not really. You know, if you're feeling guilty, you might consider going to confession *evil grin* I've heard it's good for the soul...

Bryan said...

Can you confess now that the Pope is dead? I mean, isn't he the missing link between us and God? (heh heh). I think confessing should be put off until they elect a new Pope, otherwise the new guy is going to have quite the backlog.

Anon, I felt a little bad after the post, so I offer my apologies here, if I offended you. If I didn't, well, I'm not sure what to do from here.

(Thinking...)"What to do when someone is not offended by my actions...this has never happened to me before...."

Anonymous said...

"What to do when someone is not offended by my actions...this has never happened to me before...."

Unfamiliar ground.....a....Bry?

Mindy said...

It's okay, anon, the occassional cryptic comment can be good. Bry is know for his somewhat..... uniquely timed comments as well. *grins* You know I love you, Bry! And as for TJN, you naughty... person!! That was bad on at least two different levels, but that's why we get along so well! And hello, Stacy!! It's nice to see you here with us again. *grins and winks*

Anonymous said...

Glad to be back among my Medford friends = ) I enjoy reading your Blogs.

Keep them coming....