Saturday, April 16, 2005

Mad as a wet cat

In the name of feline cleanliness and future happiness, Matt and I today attempted to washing of the Spawn. I have to say it was more or less successful, but she is one veeeeeeeerrrrry unhappy kitty. *pause* eh-heh-heh-heh *pause* giggle giggle snifff *pause* Mwa ha ha ha ha!!!!! Ahhh yes, this pays her back for the frequent four a.m. attempted lovefests. Wretched beast. She isn't as funny-looking as our previous cat who turned into a stick figure with a big, furry head with anime eyes when we bathed him, but it's still worth it.

The weather today is rainy and wonderful. It's that softish spring rain that you can listen to with the window open but are happy to be inside for. Although I must admit that I do like to take a pot of tea out with a book or my good old-fashioned paper journal (I am a traditionalist at heart) out to the patio (God blessed my parents with brilliant landscaping skills) and sitting and listening. It's like being in a movie somehow, in one of those scenes where they use a fuzzy lens.

Oh, Nan, I've tried to post on your site twice now and it hasn't worked. Will attempt resolution at later point. And Pheather, thanks for the support! *grins* I still dislike the stupid things though, even though I'm sure it will turn out to be useful. Other people's certainly are. Your daughter is beautiful by the way!!!

1 comment:

Bryan said...

You poor poor language (also science, history, geography, etc) students. You have to be so right on with your capstones. You should try Art; it's subjective! My reality is what I make of it.

Don't hate me.