Monday, April 25, 2005


Got to class late today as I had to drive back from a weekend at the coast (yes, yes, I know, what tough luck) where I spent almost all of my time meaning to do things and getting none of them done. I spent the first half of the class feeling very grouchy, especially when the Alpha Female in the class started getting all hoity-toity again. *rolls eyes* Really, she makes me look non-aggressive. Anyway, the class was mercifully saved in the second half by an Israeli student from SOU bringing in a video about a group of Palestinian, Arab, Israeli, and Jewish people getting together and sharing their experiences as a way to bridge their perceived differences (many of them shared similar stories despite their religious and ethnic differences). It gave me hope. So often, as a history/human studies student I can get very, very depressed by the fact that NO ONE seems able to get along and so feel they have to resort to senseless violence to get their way. I can't tell you how nice it was to see people just trying to understand each other rather than allowing their prejudices to continue poisoning their lives.

On to a more superficial topic: Smug Marrieds. Some of you will know the term, some of you will not and I'm not going to tell you where it's from, but I think the name itself is pretty self-descriptive. Just a quick comment to certain ones who feel the need to place stereotypes on myself and my fellow Singletons such as "you guys are just bitter and unhappy." No, actually, we're not. When I rant about how people treat me because I'm single, it's not because I'm unhappy single (well, no more than any other single person, and might I just add that Marrieds have days where they are unhappy, too) but usually because I get sick of people telling me that I'm unhappy single!! (This does not apply to beautifully supportive Marrieds, such as Pheath and many others I can think of, so please don't be offended if you're them.) And if people think I'm j......rats, I totally lost my train of rant after chatting with a fellow Spanish major. Oh well, have a nice day everyone, I'm going to go have Mexican food with some friends.


Bryan said...

HA! A spanish class having Mexican food together! The irony is just dripping with salsa...

So, the married's been beating you up, eh? What can I say... the stupid are everywhere. Sorry kiddo.

Anonymous said...

Funny, but I was just thinking along the same lines.... Guess we're missing something. Must be. God has blessed us with a time of singleness. LET'S WHINE!!!

So... Pity party at my place this weekend?

Anonymous said...

Wow....what a post Chris! I don't see this Post ending any time soon.

Good Luck with this one Mindy!

Bryan said...

Whoa, whoa, whoa...

Mindy, I got this one.

Bitter singles? I know you do this in part just to antagonize people such and Mindy and myself, but I will take the bait none the less.

I need a cup of tea. we go.

Where does it say that single = bitter? I think the point Mindy was trying to make was those who are married and are mindless enough to ask the question "When are you going to get a man?" obviously have forgotten what it was like when they were single. They had no clue when they were going to get married, or if they had met the one. What makes them think that we are going to know. It's a stupid question from the start. It's merely a comment to rub in the fact that they are getting companionship and sex without going to Hell for it, which is selfish and rude; smug for short.

I can only speak for the guys, but I think everyone has a desire to married, to be paired with someone for the rest of their life. I do.

Now that I am an older single, I can see the benefit of it. First off, I know it seems like a cop out to say, but I don't have time for a girlfriend right now (that is not to say that I would not find the time if the opportunity came tomorrow) and I am somewhat grateful for the lack of attachment. It helps me to focus. There are also things that I would like to do before I settle down which would be harder to do if I was in a relationship. In God's time.

I don't think you are a smug married (your antagonistic behavior aside), and personally know that you are in a happy marriage. I think you also know for a fact that but for the grace of God, you and I could be roommates. Think about that.

Don't interpret our desires as bitterness; it's just a stage that is to be enjoyed for what it is.

Enjoy the sex, just don't rub it in single's faces.

Anonymous said...

*grins like a grampus*
Indeed, it's getting interesting around here. Maybe not overly good for the unity of the church, but interesting, nonetheless!
Congratulations to Bryan on a rousing rise to the bait. *nods graciously*
Just think... By the world's standards, us mid-twenty-somethings are old enough to be married, have a kid or two, and be divorced. Hmm.... Personally, I'm overjoyed to be able to trust to God's timing.
My apologies if that sounds bitter. *ironic lift of eyebrow*

Anonymous said...

Hey Bry -

Please refrain from discussing my bedroom life on your public domain. I believe that what goes on in the bedroom stays in the bedroom. If you feel the need to be indiscreet please leave me out of it!

Anonymous said...

I am sorry that this discussion has gotten out of hand. If I have in any way unwittingly added to the problem by implication, I humbly beg pardon.

Bryan said...

Jill -

I didn't talk about your bedroom life, and thankfully know nothing about it. I am sorry if you took it that, although I am not sure how you could have. Love ya anyway. ;)

Chris -

As for my colorful language, companionship is not a dirty word. ;)

As a bonehead myself, I know what it takes to communicate with boneheads. If raised eyebrows, then I achieved my goal. My point was taken and the apology is accepted.

My comment was not to degrade unity, but bring unavoidable attention to an otherwise sutble topic that has been brought up on this site before, and ignored. Obviously the antagonist was not getting hint, so I brought it to a new level. If you are surprised at my being blunt, then you don't know me at all. Mindy is too sweet and tactful to say what I did, but the topic was obviously distressing her, otherwise she would not have talked about it. I, frankly, don't care about the teasing, but she was running out of cheeks to turn, so I came to her aid. Call me a jerk.

I recall having a conversation with Mrs. Luka several years ago in which she said (I am paraphrasing) the the Bible stated that teasing was wrong, or a sin, or something like that (it has been awhile). Either way, this is what is has lead to, so I am inclined to agree.

You know I love you guys, and I meant no animus by the posting. I was just trying to stop the unravelling by burning the end of the rope. Take care.

Bryan said...
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Anonymous said...

I am hoping and praying that this particular Post is coming to an end. I hope all friendships have stayed in tact. I would also like to express my apologies if I said something to offend the others in this conversation.

Bryan said...

Some of the best friendships are without tact, but they are intact. Thanks Stacy, and love ya too.

Anonymous said...

Now the question is.........

Mindy we haven't heard from you in a while, what is your take/thoughts on all this?

Mindy said...

Actually, Stace, I thought it would be better if I stayed out of this one as I can easily see myself stepping on some toes.

Mindy said...

Actually, Stace, I thought it would be better if I stayed out of this one as I can easily see myself stepping on some toes.

Brinicio said...


Good grief Mindy, your feet are HUGE!!! I mean, you could post those suckers if you know what I...I'm going to go away now. *massages sore toes* ; )

(The joys of being quasi-anonymous)