Saturday, June 04, 2005

Nothing new....

Same lab, one chair over, with my compadres de Capstone, similar panic. *sighs* Not much has changed since last term, I guess. Except the itching. Well, and I've had more homework. And assessments. And the bi-weekly restaurant dates. And my parents' (really Mom's) theory that I am having an affair with a married man named Frank and that's why I'm in Ashland all the time. And the weather is slightly warmer, so my garden needs more attention. Many things have changed, I guess. Just not my end-of-term location.


Bryan said...

Mindy, mindy, mindy....

Yo hable de espana el todo a lapiz...

However, I cannot help you write you capstone. That would be cheating. Hang in there girlie.

Anonymous said...

... And the best name she can come up with is FRANK?!!! *looks aghast*

Bryan said...

I've always said if I was going to have an affair it would be with a man named Steve.

Mindy said...

Quite frankly I've maintained that I was going to run away with a leftist guerrilla named Raúl, but Mom kept insisting that I was having an affair with a married man and Frank was the first name I could come up with and I couldn't figure out a way for Raúl to have left his mountain stronghold and come up here so quickly. Besides, do you really a married man having an affair with a slacker college girl really deserves a better name?